
Rabu, 28 Mei 2008


PERABOT dan berbagai pernak-pernik interior bisa memperkuat gaya arsitektur rumah. Rumah bergaya neo klasik tentu juga membutuhkan furnitur atau perabot yang bisa memperkuat kesan neo klasik.
Yang perlu kita ingat, arsitektur neo klasik merupakan gaya yang sangat fleksibel. Gaya ini merupakan perpaduan arsitektur klasik dengan modern. Karena itu, “Saya menyarankan perpaduan antara furnitur bergaya klasik sekaligus dengan perabot modern,” ujar Raul Renanda, arsitek Desain Renanda.
Tak usah takut. Perkawinan antara kedua gaya ini tidak akan bertabrakan, bahkan bisa menghasilkan perpaduan yang memiliki nilai estetika tersendiri.
Jangan lupa, gaya neo klasik memang berbeda dan tidak sebanding dengan arsitektur klasik. “Jadi jika hanya memasang perabot kuno, justru rumah akan terlihat seperti gaya klasik,” ujarnya. Karena sifat neo klasik yang fleksibel, Raul menganjurkan pemilik rumah berani melakukan berbagai eksperimen dalam penggunaan berbagai gaya furnitur.
Namun dia mengingatkan, furnitur klasik yang akan digunakan dalam sebuah rumah neo klasik harus senada dengan desain interior ruangan. Jika rancangan interior ruangan berbentuk sederhana, maka pilihlah furnitur yang juga memiliki profil sederhana. “Sebaiknya Anda tidak menggunakan furnitur dengan berbagai ukiran,” kata Raul memberi tips.
Muhammad Imanudin, arsitek Delta Studio Bandung menyarankan pemilik rumah mencari benda-benda seni yang serasi dengan gaya klasik, seperti lukisan, patung dan aksesori yang sudah berumur. Jika dana terbatas, benda itu tak perlu asli. “Lebih bagus jika tema lukisan atau patung tersebut adalah cinta,” kata Iman, panggilan akrabnya.
Kehadiran benda seni ini juga akan menegaskan suasana yang tak lekang oleh waktu. Secara keseluruhan, desain bangunan yang elegan, interior yang klasik dan kehadiran benda seni akan mengekspresikan status sosial yang diinginkan si pemilik rumah. Banyak furnitur klasik yang pas untuk rumah neo klasik. Misalnya, sofa atau armchair berlapis kulit warna cokelat tua sehingga membuat ruangan tampil anggun dan tidak berkesan berat.
Untuk ruang makan, Anda bisa menatanya dengan end table dan kursi bergaya klasik yang seluruh pelitur kayunya diubah berwarna cokelat kemerahan.
Sedangkan untuk ruang keluarga yang sifatnya pribadi, Anda bisa menggunakan sofa berwarna lembut seperti putih dan krem. “Kurangi penempatan lukisan dan patung agar terlihat lebih nyaman namun tetap anggun,” ujar Imam.

Angga Aliya, Abdul Wahid Fauzie
dari :

Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

Tips Merawat Mebel Jati

Meubel atau furnitur jati sudah terkenal akan ketahanan dan warnanya yang memberi kesan mewah dan berkelas. Namun karena pengaruh lingkungan seperti perubahan cuaca, kelembaban udara, debu, dan lain-lain, meubel jati yang dulu ketika dibeli begitu indah kini menjadi kusam seperti kehilangan "auranya";. Mungkin kita pernah mengalami hal ini ???
  1. Siapkan kuas halus yang kecil untuk membersihkan sela-sela mebel yang sering ditempati debu-debu. Pakai kuas tersebut dengan dengan menyapukan di tempat yang susah dijangkau dengan kain lap dan sapukan dengan halus sampai bersih.
  2. Semprotkan pledge ke permukaan mebel dan sela-sela mebel dan jangan berlebihan.
  3. Kemudian lap dengan kain ball (bisa dibeli di toko material) kemudian biarkan kering.
  4. Lihat hasilnya, mebel anda kembali bercahaya dan seperti baru kembali.
  5. Bersihkan mebel anda dengan cara diatas ini, paling tidak seminggu sekali. Untuk harian cukup permukaan mebel anda sapu dengan kemoceng (bulu ayam) secara merata.

Selasa, 29 April 2008

Cleaning Furniture

The most basic guideline for furniture maintenance is very simple and straightforward. It is to handle furniture carefully and thoughtfully. There are a few suggestions that can be made for cleaning furniture made of different surfaces. As it has been found, that a number of the cleaning practices followed normally, actually damages the furniture. Here are a few tips to clean, polish and maintain your furniture :
  • The simplest way of maintaining furniture is to use it carefully and keep it clean.
  • Wooden furniture should be cleaned only when there is a build up of wax or dirt.
  • Unfinished wood, painted wood and wood with sturdy finish should be cleaned regularly.
  • The finish on giltwood is water soluble therefore it should be dusted and not cleaned. A professional should clean it.
  • Before cleaning wood, decide whether the surface is stable enough to use a cleaning or polishing agent. As the cleaning agent can damage some surfaces. If the surface is damage to begin with then give the furniture to a conservator.
  • Find out what kind of dirt has settled on the furniture and what kind of surface the piece has. The simplest thing to do is to find out what will remove the dirt without damaging the surface.
  • Loose dust can be easily removed with lint-free cloth by gently wipe the surface of the furniture with this cloth. Dust can be removed by wiping with a damp cloth. Dust can scratch the surface therefore work carefully. To dust carved surfaces use a soft natural bristle brush. Do not use a feather duster, as it will scratch the surface.
  • If the surface condition is good then you can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. But do not let the metal and plastic parts of the vacuum cleaner drag over the surface you are cleaning, as it will result in scratches.
  • Wax, oil and other dirt, that has built up on the furniture can be removed by using mineral spirit, naphtha or paint thinner. You will have to find out which solvent removes the dirt. For this, dip cotton ball in the solvent and apply on a small area of the furniture that is not visible to the eye. If there is no damage to the surface then you can use the solvent. Use diluted solvent.
  • Finished wood can be cleaned with a cloth dampened in cleaning solvent. Clean a small area at a time and the cleaning solution should be used in small quantities. Too much solvent can damage the furniture surface. Wipe the cleaned surface with a wet cloth to remove cleaner residue. Finally wipe clean with a soft dry cloth.
  • Applying hard paste wax can reduce maintenance of furniture. Hard wax surface is easy to dust and clean.

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

Sauder's Bedroom

Although Sauder's bedroom furniture and armoires are genuine eye openers, you can rest easy in knowing that each selection--whether an armoire, modular furniture unit or other home furnishing piece--provides high-quality workmanship and a fine furniture fit. In a variety of styles and finishes, our armoires and modular bedroom furniture and collections range from contemporary to traditional and blend with any decor. Our bedroom home furnishing pieces offer adjustable shelves, generous storage space, easy-glide metal drawer runners with safety stops, and detailed hardware. Our bedroom furniture is the perfect accompaniment to any home

Colony Collection

The Colony collection provides an oasis of tropical, casual style in a Brushed Maple finish. Entertainment and office furniture bring a civilizing order to electronic components and digital media with adjustable shelving, pull-out trays, cord management, and dedicated file storageEvery piece in Sauder's collection of entertainment furniture is sturdily crafted, beautifully detailed, and designed for maximum utility and convenience. You'll find units like armoires and entertainment centers that provide a variety of storage options for all your home theater needs: tapes, DVDs and CDs, as well as adjustable shelving for components and TV sizes for 40" and above. Other value-added features on select entertainment furniture items include safety-tempered glass, pull-out shelves, easy-roll casters, swivel tops, and concealed storage. Our entertainment centers are available in a wide variety of styles and enduring finishes. Sauder provides the entertainment furniture to fit your lifestyle: armoires and entertainment centers, bookshelves, storage cabinets, tv stands, dvd towers and more